
d’accord — Complete
understanding is our goal

d’accord efficiently combines the consolidated expertise of four qualified mediation partners with a broad spectrum of skills: human resources and personnel management, as well as business and management consulting, law and jurisdiction, and social and psychological aspects.

Where necessary, we can also draw on a comprehensive network of experts in order to offer specialised expertise in a wide range of conflict resolution areas. We provide our mediation services both in German and in English, as required.

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Almut Ebner

Academic mediator registered
with the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ)
Member of ÖBM (Austrian Professional Association for Mediation)
Certified hypnosystemic consultant
Certified Profiler
T +43 676 9351210

Originally trained as an educator, my journey through life initially took me into the challenging luxury goods sector, where I held a wide range of roles, from the works council to the board of management. Quality, a sensitive approach to dialogue, and consulting are essential parts of this! I have spent many years in managerial roles in the delicate fields of employee and customer service, always with a focus on solution-oriented actions, which has allowed me to gain a wealth of experience. This sparked my interest in professional conflict management methods and led to my passion for mediation.

Certified academic mediator.



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Benedikt von Kempis

Mag. rer. soc. oec.
Academic mediator registered
with the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ)
Member of ÖBM (Austrian Professional Association for Mediation)
Management Consultant Certified Sustainability Expert (CSE)
T +43664 1188947

With an international career as a bank manager spanning decades, most recently at Erste Group Bank AG (managing director, authorised representative), I am highly skilled in personal communication and negotiations. My motto: Digitalisation can never replace the personal touch! My strengths lie in my many years of experience in negotiating and mediating difficult and complex issues, which I am very happy to make available to you as a mediator.

Management consultant and certified academic mediator.



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Ferdinand Piatti

Mag. rer. soc. oec.
Academic mediator registered
with the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ)
Member of ÖBM (Austrian Professional Association for Mediation)
T +43 664 1188851

Just under 30 years of professional experience within leading business and management consulting firms such as Deloitte, PwC and BDO as a managing director. Outgoing team player, excellent communicator and motivator. Precise approach to working through problems with a strong orientation towards results. Many years of experience in complex corporate and family mediation processes.

Management consultant, forester and certified mediator.



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Dr. Martin Moritz

Mag. Dr. iur.
Academic mediator registered
with the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ)
Member of ÖBM (Austrian Professional Association for Mediation)
T +43 664 3815658

Following a professional career as a business and tax lawyer in Austria and abroad, I have
worked in a judicial capacity for over twenty years and am now also a member of the Federal Administrative Court (business chamber). Due to my personal experience as a judge in extensive legal disputes, I am all the more convinced of mediation as an efficient and valuable method of conflict resolution, which protects the financial budget and nerves of all those involved and often results in much better, more sustainable solutions.

Judge at the Federal Administrative Court and certified academic mediator.