What is it?

ESG - Is the new standard and is here to stay!

Who does it affect?

You! Because many SMEs are indirectly affected via the supply chain and financing - without realising it.

What is needed?

Sustainability strategy

Environment (Umwelt)

  • Energy, climate protection, GHG emissions
  • Waste and recycling Water, marine protection, finite resources
  • Biodiversity and ecosystems
  • Facility management

Social (Soziales)

  • Human rights, including labour rights
  • Diversity, gender equality / equal pay
  • Health and safety in the workplace, work-life balance
  • Relationship to the community/society
  • Further training

Governance (Unternehmenskultur und Unternehmensführung)

  • Business ethics and corporate culture
  • Composition of the corporate bodies
  • Remuneration of the management
  • Quality of business relationships
  • Compliance with the regulations
  • Risk management
  • Control mechanisms
  • Prevention of money laundering and corruption