Sustainability strategy
From the dual materiality analysis to reporting.
Project management, i.e. supporting the necessary processes through to the sustainability report.
In 8 steps to the sustainability report :
Step 1: Plan sustainability report as a project
Assemble team, create time/action plan + secure necessary resources
Step 2: Identify topics along the value chain
Create a long list of topics along the value chain
Step 3: Carry out an impact analysis
Analyse topics within the company's sphere of influence that have the greatest impact on the environment and society (observe double materiality)
Step 4: Identify and interview stakeholders
(Involve representatives of the various stakeholder groups): Carry out a stakeholder analysis, conduct a stakeholder survey (optional for a voluntary SA in the first year)
Step 5: Finalise the materiality matrix and identify material topics
Determine the material topics (short list), create a materiality matrix
Step 6: Collect sustainability indicators
Collection of data and information for the reporting year on the material topics, reporting can be carried out according to the ESRS standards, for example (machine-readable and auditable)
Step 7: Set targets and compile a sustainability programme with measures
The management derives specific goals and measurable measures for the company based on the indicators collected.
Step 8: Writing a sustainability report:
Comprehensible, target group-oriented, clear, machine-readable