

Sustainability and

d’accord efficiently combines the consolidated expertise of four qualified ESG consultants with a wide range of competencies:

sustainability as well as social responsibility and corporate governance, legal frameworks as well as economic and strategic consulting.

If needed, we can also draw on an extensive network of experts to provide specialized knowledge in various areas of ESG consulting. We offer our consulting services in both German and English, depending on your needs.

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Benedikt Kempis

Mag. rer. soc. oec.
Academic mediator registered
with the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ)
Member of ÖBM (Austrian Professional Association for Mediation)
Management Consultant 
Certified Sustainability Expert (CSE)
T +43 664 1188947

With a decades-long international career as a bank manager, most recently at Erste Group Bank AG (Managing Director, authorised signatory), I have the necessary skills for sustainable corporate governance and ESG consulting. My experience and strengths lie in my many years of expertise in the financing sector and in advising companies on complex issues, which I am very happy to make available to you as a certified ESG consultant.

Business consultant and certified ESG expert.



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Ferdinand Piatti

Mag. rer. soc. oec.
Academic mediator registered
with the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ)
Member of ÖBM (Austrian Professional Association for Mediation)
T +43 664 1188851

With over 30 years of professional experience as a attorney and most recently as Managing Director of leading accounting and consulting firms such as Deloitte and PwC, I possess a broad and deep business knowledge as well as a well-established network in the areas of business consulting, ESG strategies, and sustainable development. I am an open-minded team player and excellent communicator, accustomed to analyzing, organizing, and solving complex issues. In my experience, well-considered and serious consulting processes almost always lead to viable and sustainable solutions.

Business consultant and forester.



Johanna Lindl

Certified trainer for adult education,
Certified Sustainability Expert (CSE)
T +43 677 61265918

I am a senior PR consultant with expertise in sustainability, business and finance. With almost 20 years of professional experience in the communication of challenging and complex topics, I work in a solution-orientated and target group-oriented manner - so that content and messages are well received. I have experience in the technology, health and finance sectors.

Trainer, PR consultant and certified ESG expert.